No obstante lo anterior, lo que hay que advertir es que aquello a lo que tenemos acceso no es a las obras en sí sino más bien a sus imágenes o mejor dicho a las imágenes fotográficas de tales pinturas o esculturas. ¿Qué es entonces lo que conocemos: a la Mona Lisa o una o cientos de fotografías que se han hecho de este lienzo? ¿Hay alguna diferencia entre ver, conocer, la pieza pintada por Da Vinci y la fotografía que la más lujosas de las ediciones reproduce de ella?
-As never before in history, works of art, great works of universal painting , sculpture, architecture or graphics, are available to virtually anyone with access to the Internet. Today, mainly in urban areas, no one can argue ingnorance on these works, or in other words, very few are those who can say without lying, unaware that, for example, what is the Mona Lisa or say than ever have seen.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, what should be noted is that what we have is not access to the works themselves, but rather to their images or rather the photographic images of such paintings or sculptures. What then is what we know, the Mona Lisa or one or hundreds of photos that have been made this canvas? Is there any difference between seeing, knowing, the piece painted by Da Vinci and the photography of the most luxurious editions reproduced it?